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Portland travelogue③


day 2

f:id:takaabgata:20221014081806j:imageFor the first time in several trips, I could wake up at an unregrettable time(7am). We left there until 8:30am, then walked to Voodoo Doughnut which is located in chinatown.

f:id:takaabgata:20221014081739j:imageI smelled fragrant olive(キンモクセイ) at first time this autumn! I try to absorb all of atmosphere.

f:id:takaabgata:20221014081800j:imagef:id:takaabgata:20221014152630j:imageDoughnut was awfully sweet as to my tongue went numb. During eating that with seeing a river, it turned out that almost all shops we wanted to go would open around the noon, which means if we got there, we missed our flight. We needed to come up with other plan quickly. Then the place we chose at last is...






Oregon Zoo!!


Wait, don't underestimate zoo. Zoo is the funniest place of all around the world, seriously.ㅋㅋ The animals who attracted me were Elephants, Otter Den, Cheetah Giraphs and Tigers. The wide park had a lot of flowers, and I liked not only animals but also how they show their animals. I felt it's a kind of dungeon in a jungle where we can feel like being further from daily life.


One other thing that I enjoyed was conversations between American kids and mothers. They speak slowly, gently, and adorably,

"Hi Elephant~ how r u~? I'm Isabella~"

She'll be big, I promise. 


f:id:takaabgata:20221014081744j:imageAfter left there, we ate green curry in Thai Peacock Restaurant. I enjoyed a lot of different types of texture of crisp paprikas, pork, zucchini. 


Overall it was pretty(not enough), quite(more), extremely(!) great trip in whole of my life. It was possible to make me cry tho (as above pic), I saved it for next funcier trip. Thank you for reading!


p.s. After coming back Vancouver, it also turned colder than before trip, I was surprised.

New album relased by THE 1975 would be "2022 WINTER ALBUM" of mine, I'm feeling that. Strings sound, やさしくてはかなげな、それでいて氷の中じっと時を待って眠る動物が持つある種の静謐さと強靭さを秘めたvocal, changing between uptempo and mellow parts, all of that are blowing my mind. 

THE 1975

The Black Skirt, Korean band relased their new album TEEN TROUBLES. At the first listening, I was almost say that "are these songs all played by same band?" You can listen different types of music in their album. You must love one of it as me. My recommendations is "My little Lambs" "Friends in Bed" "Follow You", "Ling Ling".

Their variety sound direction based on Indie mindset are seriously cool.(ほんまに) The uses of programming sound and real instrumental sound is effective, especially 4th song called "Sunday Girl".

The Black Skirts / 검정치마 / 조휴일 (@holideez) • Instagram photos and videos

When I listen to having Korean lyrics song, what I'm addicted into is bouncing feeling caused by 받침(patchim) that "It’s a consonant placed at the bottom and pronounced at the end in a Korean syllable block."

Because they have it, their pronaunsiation makes me feel cute, sophisticated such as 잘 as it is, perfect! (チャルでもないし、チャル、hmm、ㄹとしか言えないこの感じ) 舌は上の歯のすぐ裏側に、Lの時よりももう少し奥?につく感じ

日本人がカムサハムニダに苦戦するのも、감사합니다(かㅁさはㅂにだ)やからで、日本の発音にない魅力的なものたちがそこに繰り広げられている。(海外のブランドの名前を聞くときとか楽しい) "ん"の音に海外の人が敏感なのもここ最近の衝撃で、口元を見ずとも、nとngとmの聞き分けができる彼らを羨望の眼差しで見つつ、"あんパン"の一つ目と二つ目の"ん"の音は実は違うとか(mとng)、国語学の講義でやったなあ、嫌いやったなあとか。韓国人はngを発音する時に舌が出てきて、それはそれでおもろいなあ、とか。とにかく新譜のリリースが止まらんくて時間がない、M-1もスピードを増すし…とか。