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Diary❷ 윤슬(ユンスル・yun-seul)


“오늘 이렇게 나와보니 윤슬이 무척 아름답네요”

At the beginning of every class, the teacher asks each student "How are you?" or "How is it going?" with checking attendance. Even though I used to be here for 3 months, I'm still confused sometimes when being asked that. As you may know, Japanese doesn't have such expressions, just calling name and saying "Hai...", not "Hi!" lol 

Also, if I say "I'm good", then the teacher asks me "Why?". Oh, you wanna know for real? The reason "I'm good" is... too formal, I think. 笑 Contrastly, if I say "I'm not good", then I may have an obvious reason such as stepping p** in this brilliant morning or losing left's AirPods...like that. Anyway, when feeling good, mostly we don't have a specific reason. "No reason" makes you happy.


Today, class is of course off because of weekend, but if the teacher asks me that, I would confidently say "I'm really good" with an obvious reason. Today is special. Cuz I discovered a new word,  "윤슬"(ユンスル・yun-seul). First of all, I like the sound, which makes me be tempted to say it out loud again and again. Then, 윤슬 is a word that refers to the shining light on the surface of the water. Since I came here Canada, I lost myself not a few times while watching 윤슬. Because of the long daylight hours and being surrounded by the ocean here, you can see it often. However, English or Japanese don't have such a beautiful expression, so I have ambiguity when I express it. "Shinning light on the surface is very beautiful." "光が揺れていて綺麗だね。" hmmm...not enough. Words or Expressions such as 윤슬 which refers to a specific phenomenon are so beautiful that I feel like I'm taken into the phenomenom and become one. Creating new word means creating new world, and new me.

"Because of 윤슬, my view of the world is expanded. So I feel great today!"



Lastly, I'm gonna write about how to reach 윤슬. Frankly, it's a song called 윤슬 by Yuta Orisaka with Lang Lee as a featureing artist. Recent my now-playing artist is Yuta Orisaka since FUJI ROCK, even though I love him for a long time. I heard this song on a bus, it's just one page of ordinary daily life, but at that time, somehow(the sun was too bright?) I was moved strongly by Korean poetry, part of the song. Of course, I couldn't catch the lyrics at all, but I was reminded of the flow of water or the departure of the ship with a farewell. Firstly those poems were beautiful just as a sound. Also, what suprised me is such images (like ship with a farewell)are completely the same image I have in mind for Korea. Its color is always not bright, slightly blurred, which reminds me of sorrow. Those rimind me a kind of femininity or maternal as welll. Last year, at one point, I was reading a lot of Korean poetry in the library of my university. The poems seemed to speak to the people nearby in a whispered voice. I felt a different way of expressing warmth from our country. Haven't read that in a while!

www.youtube.comYou can listen to the part of Korean poems from 2:34.

“오늘 이렇게 나와보니 윤슬이 무척 아름답네요”


"Today, I came here, then I realized 윤슬 is so beautiful."

(Thank you for helping to translate Korean poems, my 친구~ㅋㅋㅋ)