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Portland travelogue①


day 1


In the early morning that I felt "winter" at first time in Vancouver, I was heading to the airport to go to US. As rising, the sun dyed the sky to red, orange and gray. As you may know, even the color gray needs a light, the only color black (dark) doesn't need a light.

Strange to say, I felt scared while seeing people's taking picture of this sky. What I thought is that all people, rather humans feel same thing in the same scenery. 

As this song's singing:f:id:takaabgata:20221013011709j:image‎星野源の"Same Thing (feat. Superorganism)"をApple Musicで



The flight to Portland OR took just 1hour 15mins. Once I let my eyes close, and next time I let it open, the scenery changed to the country side of US.



From Portland International Airport to Downtown, it takes 40mins by train. The train was quite similar to Seattle's one. The first place where we went was NW 23rd Ave. where my friend used to live in Portland recommended to us.


While walking on NW 23rd Ave, you can see a lot of funcy shops. My favorite shop was "The Meadow" where sells a bunch of chocolates, flowers and ingredients. We baught 6 types of chocolate as clerk’s recommendation.


After having a yummyyyy hamgurger as lunch, we walked through to east to check-in the hotel.


↑Topical Japanese Brand, Snow Peak(笑)



f:id:takaabgata:20221013012647j:imageThe atmosphere of Portland was extremely  matched with autumn feeling because the colors that caught me were red, yellow, green, orange and brown. (especially bricks🧱 made me touching and reminded me of Hakodate, Hokkaido JPN)





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